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Noite das palavras


Night of the words

This article, whose title comes from a poem by Paul Celan, addresses how collective traumas affect the relacional, intersubjective and social foundations constitutive of the psyche, attacking the intrapsychic matrix representative of the empathic “I-you” dyad. The absence of the possibility of dialogue between the inner “I” and the inner “you” makes it impossible to symbolise the lived traumatic experience and to create narratives consigning the victims of collective traumas to the “night of words”. Clinical work with these patients requires “an empathic and passionate therapist”, who enhances the mending of the destroyed relational web of “I -you” and who simultaneously recognises the historical truth experienced. But the individual psychic work is not independent of the collective memory and psychic elaboration, it relies on them, feeds on them (and nourishes them). The subject who has been violated in his or her internal space, and also in the shared common space, cannot do without the recognition and the inscription, by the community, of what really happened. And the emergence, in the social network, of the polyphony of multiple narratives, similar and different, mobilises figurative and representative functions, both in the individual and in the collective, for what, formless and lacunar, seemed unspeakable.



collective trauma, internal dialogue, denial pact, latence period

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Author Biography

Maria Antónia Carreiras

Psicóloga Clínica, doutorada em Psicologia Clínica. Docente universitária. Psicanalista, membro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicanálise (SPP) e da Associação Internacional de Psicanálise (IPA).


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