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The Infantile in the Psychoanalyst at Work


In order to define the Infantile and to examine its role in the analytic relationship, I considered this concept from both its developmental and structural status. I based my position on Freud’s view of a double Unconscious, together container of the repressed and drive source. I also used jointly both Freudian models of the psychic apparatus, that I do not consider as exclusive from each other, but as complementary, although not always easy to put together. This led me to consider the peculiarities of the criteria for the termination of the analyst’s personal analysis, and to try and describe the economic situation of repression in the psychoanalyst at work. By observing the impact of the Infantile-of-the-analysand upon the system PCS-CS of the psychoanalyst, I dealt with the odds and ends of the lack of representation and I tried to examine the situation and the future of the blind spots issued from such an impact.

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