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"Lo que no queremos escuchar": Ambivalencias y malentendidos en el psicoanálisis con niños


“What we do not want to listen to”: Ambivalences and misunderstandings in child psychoanalysis

In the psychoanalytical field, we realize that despite the centrality awarded to childhood, only a small minority of psychoanalysts seek child psychoanalytic training or analyze children on a regular basis. This paper reflects on some of the difficulties and ambivalences that impair the analyst's analytic attitude and disposition to relate to children as suitable subjects for psychoanalysis and examine some conceptual misunderstandings about childhood related to these ambivalences. The author examines three challenges, particularly significant in the analyst's ambivalence: 1.the wish to cure the child, 2.the turbulent to-and-fro identification movements that characterize the analytical process and 3.the deep involvement of the analyst's psyche and the contratransferencial anxieties he is exposed to Finally, the author identifies some misunderstandings and confusions in what regards the concepts of childhood, infantile, infantile neurosis and in relation to the way children communicate with the analyst.


Childhood, Infantile, Ambivalence, Psychoanalytic identity, Infantile neurosis

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