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A Terra Morta do Colonialismo Português


Portuguese Colonialism: a death land

The Portuguese colonialist past is characterized by a history in which the elements of social violence and traumatic episodes remain seeking recognition, representation and psychic elaboration. The colonialist and racist mentality endures, being part of the identity of the Large Group and contributes to the ongoing radioactive transmission of unprocessed traumatic elements. Social catastrophes resulting from the actions of one human being upon another establish a latency period during which collective memory and recognition are compromised, generating an absence of affective resonance concerning their effects. Cultural productions around these themes may constitute an intermediary canvas, contributing to the possibility of mentally representating and processing the traumatic elements of collective and individual history.


Colonialism, Racism, Radioactive transmission, Intermediate canvas

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Author Biography

Elsa Couchinho

Membro Associado da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicanálise (SPP) e da Associação Psicanalítica Internacional (IPA). Psicanalista de Crianças e Adolescentes. Formadora do Instituto de Psicanálise.


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