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About the Journal

The Portuguese Journal of Psychoanalysis (Revista Portuguesa de Psicanálise – RPP) is the official scientific journal of the Portuguese Psychoanalytic Society (SPP) and is its legal and intellectual property.

Aim and Scope

The Portuguese Journal of Psychoanalysis (Revista Portuguesa de Psicanálise – RPP) publishes original articles by Portuguese and foreign authors biannualy, which can be of a theoretical and epistemological, clinical, conceptual, empirical, qualitative and quantitative nature. Articles submitted for publication must be registered in the area of psychoanalysis and other scientific disciplines in the social sciences, natural sciences and humanities, namely literature, art and philosophy, with which the psychoanalytical field establishes consistent scientific dialogue.


Psychoanalysis, social sciences, humanities, hermeneutics, unconscious, psychodynamic theory.

Open access policy

RPP offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that the free availability of scientific knowledge to the public provides greater circulation of ideas and expansion of knowledge.

Ethics and Anonymity

RPP reserves the right not to publish clinical, or theoretical-clinical, articles that do not respect the ethical norms of research in the social and human sciences, namely in which the patient's identity has not been preserved through anonymity and in which the confidentiality of verbatim or graphically illustrated material (drawings and figures) of clinical vignettes is not scrupulously respected. To assure the compliance to these rules, authors must fill the specific form available for that purpose on the website and send it to In case of persistence of a reasonable doubt concerning the anonymity and confidentiality of the clinical material, the Journal's Editorial Board reserves the right to demand proof of informed consent from the patient or his/her legal representatives (parents in the case of children's graphic material).

Peer review

Scientific arbitration prior to the editorial decision on the publication is carried out using the double-blind peer review method, that is, by a minimum of two scientific reviewers assigned anonymously. If the submitted article is accepted for review, the authors will be able to consult the reviewers' comments, regardless of the favorable or unfavorable opinion to its publication.

Regarding interviews and keynote invited articles written by authors of acknowledged scientific merit, as well as the comments on these invited keynote papers, they will only be subject to editorial technical editorial review by RPP’s Editorial Council.


The editorial board of the journal is particularly attentive to detecting plagiarism situations, total or partial, in the article submitted for publication, and which, in this circumstance, will be rejected, with indication to the authors of the reason for such decision.


The author has the right to save the article in the repository or in the scientific documentation files of the organization to which he belongs, for example a University or University Institute, and must use the PDF version of the article published by the Editor.

Publication fees

RPP does not charge authors any amount for publishing the submitted articles.


RPP sends information about its contents and respective metadata to the following database indexes:

Crossref Member Badge

History and Actuality

Francisco Alvim, on January 27, 1977, wrote the first Editorial of the Revista Portuguesa de Psicanálise (RPP). It was still a policopied document. As he himself predicted, this was a historic milestone for psychoanalytic diffusion in Portugal. Alvim understood that, among us, determination was the greatest guarantee to be able to carry on the work initiated by Freud, without external assistances or pressures that could compromise the independence and creativity of psychoanalysis.

The first issue in journal layout came out in 1985, with an editorial written by João dos Santos, which conveyed an ambition: to register the theoretical-clinical and scientific works of Portuguese psychoanalysts, thus establishing closer relationships with foreign colleagues. Since then, the journal's successive editorial teams have sought to maintain the ambitions of both the founders of the Portuguese Psychoanalytic Society (PPS) and the pioneers of RPP, by ensuring the publication of a plethora of original articles, of a different nature, whose diffusion among the national and international psychoanalytic community has been always very rewarding for Portuguese psychoanalysis.

In line with this prestigious editorial tradition, the current RPP Editorial Council (EC) defines as a priority the deepening of the journal's editorial reach and cultural influence as a contemporary scientific publication aimed at sharing knowledge between authors and readers. In order to achieve such an ambitious goal, the journal is, on the one hand, developing a strategy to encourage Portuguese psychoanalysts, and in particular the colleagues from SPP, to use it as a privileged instrument for both the theoretical-conceptual reflection and the improvement of the clinical communication between peers. And, on the other hand, to expand this invitation to publish original articles to colleagues from other countries and cultures, and, in general, to scientists from different areas of the human and social sciences, also from other scientific disciplines, particularly interested in the dialogue with psychoanalysis.

Francisco Alvim (1977–1978), João dos Santos and Carlos Amaral Dias (1985–1986), Carlos Amaral Dias and Jaime Milheiro (1987–1989), Carlos Amaral Dias (1990–1994), Jaime Milheiro (1996–2003), Rui Coelho and Manuel Matos (2004–2005), Rui Coelho and António Coimbra de Matos (2006–2008), Rui Coelho and Manuela Ferraz da Costa (2008–2012) Rui Aragão Oliveira  (2013–2015) Maria Fernanda Alexandre (2016-2019)