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  1. Bollas, C. (1987). The Shadow of the Object. Psychoanalysis of the Unthought Known. Abingdon.
  2. Bollas, C. (2009). Il mondo dell’oggetto evocativo. Astrolabio.
  3. Freud, S. (1908), Creative Writers and Day-Dreaming. In The Standard Edition of the Complete PsychologicalWorks of Sigmund Freud (vol. 9, pp. 141–154). Hogarth Press.
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  5. Schacht, L. (1999). Il gioco tra trauma e creatività [Play between trauma and creativity], Richard e Piggle, 7(2), 179–203.
  6. Winnicott, D.W. (1965). Dependence in Infant- Care, in Child-Care, and in the Psycho-Analytic Setting. In The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment. Hogarth Press.
  7. Winnicott, D. W. (1971). Playing and Reality. Tavistock.
  8. Winnicott, D.W. (1989).The Squiggle Game. In D.W.Winnicott, C.Winnicott, R. Shepherd & M. Davis (eds.), Psycho-analytic Explorations (pp. 299–317). Harvard University Press. (Original work published in 1964/1968.)