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The importance of accessing online communities for queer, trans, disabled, racialized, and/or neurodivergent people or Winnicott’s Transitional Phenomena in action through social media platforms

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Biographie de l'auteur

Marco Posadas

Psicanalista Associado da Canadian Psychoanalytic Society. Mestrado e Doutoramento em Serviço Social. Fundador do Sexual & Gender Diversity Studies Committee (S&GDSCO) da Associação Psicanalítica Internacional (IPA).


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  2. Saketopoulou, A. & Pellegrini, A. (2023). Gender without identity. The Unconscious in Translation Press.
  3. Solms, M. (2021). The hidden spring: A journey to the source of consciousness. W. W. Norton Winnicott, D. W. (1953). Transitional objects and transitional phenomena—a study of the first not-me possession. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 34, 89–97.