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En las Fronteras de Cronos: Del Tiempo del Trauma a la Creación de un Tiempo Inédito


In the Frontiers of Cronos: From the Time of Trauma to the Creation of an Unprecedented Time

This article presents a conceptual overview of the different ways of thinking temporality and the traumatic, where it is possible to perceive that the ability to find evidence of the indissoluble link between subject-trauma-time is clearly a central emergent of psychoanalytic identity and psychoanalytic work. In this sense, the consideration of a singular temporality represents one of its most persistent acts of rebellion against the voracity of Chronos. From the conceptualization of unconscious processes, Freud dismantles the certainty of causality and explanation, striking an indelible mark on this pretension. The potentiality of new representations and conditions of inscription of experiences -and, therefore, new subjective trajectories-, where the analyst acts creating a past/future for a subject that does not yet exist, implies affirming not only that subjective time cannot be measured, but that it can be re-created in analysis, in the transference.


Temporality, Trauma, Subjectivization, Memory

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Author Biography

Silvia Raquel Acosta

Psicanalista, membro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicanálise


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