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We will use the metaphor of the Rose of Jericho to intertwine two questions that the child whom we will call Rosa presented us with an unusual expressive and transformative capability. On the one hand, the capacity for psychic survival (resilience? - innate skills?) in the face of a traumatic environment of violence, abandonment, negligence, ruptures and discontinuities. On the other hand, the hypothesis that the countless institutions that welcomed this thread of discontinuity, functioned as a psychic skin (Bick, 1991), an institutional envelope (Houzel, 2010) and as "angels in the nursery" (Liberman, 2005), allowing Rosa to nourish herself enough to arrive without fracturing herself psychically until arrive to psychotherapy, also in an institution. It was finally this that allowed her to progressively reintegrate: to return to the desert, to cross it accompanied, to prepare for the search for a family land, where she can finally develop. We will try to illustrate the link between the construction of subjectivity, the role of assistance and care institutions and psychotherapeutic work in an institution.


Abandonment, Child institutionalization, Resilience, Psychoanalysis, Institutional envelope

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