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Perda e Luto Fetal


In this article we seek to reflect on the clinical approach developed in the Clinical Psychology consultation at the Prenatal Diagnosis Center of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Service of Hospital Garcia d’Orta (HGO). This clinical work was carried out with future mothers or couples whose normal pregnancy process was interfered by the sudden news of a serious problem with the fetus and the consequent risk or eventual outcome of fetal loss. Thus, in this context, psychotherapeutic work takes place under intense and overwhelming anxieties derived from affective experiences associated with death. We cannot fail to point out the paradox and contradiction inherent in the fact that we work in a service that generates life and prepares for the birth of a baby and at the same time we are close to fantasies and death anxieties, fortunately only a few made real, but which constantly invaded and were latent in the mind of the parents and the entire team involved in this consultation.


Mourning, Fetal loss, Pregnancy, Psychotherapeutic support

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Author Biography

Vera Ramos

Psicóloga clínica, Membro Candidata da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicanálise, Unidade de Psiquiatria da Infância e da Adolescência, Serviço de Pediatria do Hospital Garcia de Orta (HGO). 

Guillherme Canta

Psicólogo clínico, Membro Candidato da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicanálise, Hospital de Dia do Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa (CHPL).


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