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Motherhood: A Troubled Arena for Psychoanalysis


his paper raises the difficulties that we come across in any discussion of mothers as women demonstrated in the consistent psychoanalytic concern with the child in what concerns emotional health and development. In these discus- sions, the mother as subject, with her desire and unconscious, seems not to exist. It engages particularly with the work of its preeminent theorist Donald Winnicott, questioning such concepts as ‘the function of the mother’ and the place of ‘primary maternal preoccupation’ in his account.


maternal fonction, primary maternal preoccupation, mother as subject, subjectivity

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Author Biography

Lesley Caldwell

Membro da Sociedade Britânica de Psicanálise e da British Pregnancy Advisory Service. Membro do Board da Associação Psicanalítica Internacional e Professora convidada na University College London. Faz parte do corpo editorial da Women and Psychoanalysis Book Series. Reformada do trabalho clínico, continua a escrever e a dar supervisão.


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