Beyond countertransference
«Beyond counter-transference» Counter- transference (CT) is defined as the analyst’s response to the patient’s transference (T). For this reason, it is often said that everything experienced by the analyst is not necessarily CT: for example, his thoughts on which technique to use, the patient’s psychopathology, the theoretical thoughts brought up by the session and personal reactions which seem not linked to the situation. In this work, the author has some reservations about excluding several productions of the T-CT. What he means by “Beyond counter-transference” is the analyst’s modality of being, what is involved in the healing process, and his ability to self- analyze. To study this aspect, the author reviews some ideas of the CT as an instrument, CT variations, lateral T and CT, the need of the patient where the patients asks the analyst to give him an idea of what’s wrong and to find an interpretation so as to be able to better comprehend the illness. It is interesting to emphasize that pursuant to the process of intersubjectivity in which both parties of this dynamic situation are naturally placed, the patient introjects the way the analyst deals with his intra-subjective experience, particularly when he formulates the material which mobilizes and/or unsettles him. The analyst’s stamina is also under pressure. A case illustrates these thoughts.
Counter-transference, Analytical function, Inter-subjectivity
Author Biography
Alberto Eiguer
Psiquiatra, psicanalista, membro da Société Psychanalytique de Paris e da Asociación Psicoanalítica de Buenos Aires. Director de investigação no Laboratoire PCPP, Institut de Psychologie, Université René Descartes, Paris 5-Sorbonne-Cité, EA 4056. Autor de diversos trabalhos, sendo o seu livro mais recente L’analyste sous influence. Essais sur le contre-transfert, Paris, Dunod, 2019.