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A Metapsicologia do Analista: Subjetividade Primária, Atributos de Personalidade e Contratransferências Criativa, Estrangeira e Viciosa


The Metapsychology of the Analyst: Primary Subjectivity, Personality Attributes and Creative, Foreign and Vicious Countertransference

The term primary subjectivity of the analyst, proposed and developed in the study, analytically highlights and conceptualizes a specific type of subjectivity of the analyst, present in the analytical field, whose nature is absolutely idiosyncratic and original. This factor originates from and incessantly feeds back the primary psychic matrix of the analyst, while it co-creates the intersubjective analytic third; its essential qualities are uniqueness, the character of being diverse from the patient’s subjectivity, and alterity, the character of being external, and of existing, to some extent, independently of the patient’s subjectivity. From an intrasubjective perspective, the concept of the analyst’s primary subjectivity is elaborated, in the study, through the notion of founding and determining attributes of the analyst’s subjectivity; from an intersubjective perspective, it leads to nosological proposals of creative, foreign and vicious countertransference. The coinage and prospection of this terminology inaugurate a line of conceptual research on the analyst’s subjectivity and are intended to pave the way for further studies.


Intersubjectivity, countertransference, analytic third, subjectivity

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Author Biography

Idete Zimerman Bizzi

Membro Efetivo da Sociedade Psicanalítica de Porto Alegre. Formadora do Instituto de Psicanálise da Sociedade Psicanalítica de Porto Alegre.


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