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A descompasso


Out of time

The author reflects on the identity of the psychoanalyst and its relationship with the notion of borders and the condition of foreigners. If, on the one hand, borders provide limits and a sense of security, on the other, they run the risk of – if overly respected – stiffening the analyst's versatility and listening. The author defends a psychoanalysis that takes into account the social context in which it is inserted (a kind of anthropophagic psychoanalysis), which can be carried out beyond the limits of the office and considering the adaptation of the theory to the most diverse populations. Finally, he comments on racism and psychoanalysis based on clinical illustrations.


border, foreigner, Latin America, racism

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Author Biography

Jorge Bruce

Psicanalista da Sociedade Peruana de Psicanálise. Já exerceu funções na Direção da Associação Psicanalítica Internacional, no Comité Executivo da mesma Associação, e no CAPSA.


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