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A influência da bilógica na teoria e clínica psicanalítica


The influence of bi-logic on psychoanalytic theory and clinic

Psychoanalytic thought, affiliated with Freud, Melanie Klein and Bion, develops by integrating the concepts of bi-logic into the structure of the psychoanalytic edifice. The conception of the unconscious, the discovery of the characteristics of the unconscious system, is the most creative and fundamental discovery of Freudian thought, with profound implications for psychoanalysis and other fields of knowledge. From the “Realm of the Illogical”, mathematical laws and principles allow the construction of a model for reading the unconscious — the bi-logic.The laws of unconscious processes, attributing logic to it, allow us to place it in the realm of the multidimensional, providing a better reading, a more precise dialogue, and a clearer practice of psychoanalysis. Language is not the only element of interpretation. We communicate, at deeper levels, closer to the essence of Being.The article, in the aforementioned context, will provide a summary of the fundamental ideas of bi-logic; its influence on contemporary psychoanalytic thought and its clinical implications.


Bi-logic, Strata, Unconscious, Symmetry

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Author Biography

Manuela Harthley

Manuela Harthley é matemática e psicanalista titular da Socidade Portuguesa de Psicanálise (SPP), da Associação Psicanalítica Internacional (IPA) e da European Psychoanalytical Federation (EPF). É presidente da Comissão de Ética da SPP.


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