A intersubjetividade na díade: Fonte de intuição do analista
Intersubjectivity in the dyad:
Source of the analyst’s intuition
This paper begins by questioning why the concept of intuition is not part of Freud’s metapsychology. After conducting research, the author hypothesizes that Freud, who was concerned about making psychoanalysis a credible science, different from all others, did not formulate the concept, which was already being used and deepened by philosophers at the time. With Sigmund Freud (1856–1939), psychoanalysis emerges as a method of psychic treatment and investigation of the unconscious. Freud considers dreams as the real way of accessing the unconscious. Later, Melanie Klein (1946) introduced the concept of projective identification, while Donald Winnicott (1956) described the analytic relationship as being similar to the mother/baby relationship. Wilfred Bion (1962), integrating the theories of both Klein and Winnicott, describes the concept of rêverie, further integrating the notion of intersubjectivity into psychoanalysis. André Green (1989), describes the concept of tiercéité, later developed by Thomas Ogden (1994) to refer to the analytic third party, illustrating how, in the analytic relationship, both analyst and analysand are modified by their joint experience of the dyad. From this perspective, the author considers the psychoanalyst’s intuition as an unconscious mechanism resulting from intersubjectivity within the dyad, and which currently warrants its integration in the Dictionary of Psychoanalysis.
Intersubjectivity, Transference, Countertransference, Psychoanalytic intuition, Projective identification, Unconscious
Author Biography
Carla Cruz
Psicóloga Clínica, Psicanalista titular com funções didácticas da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicanálise (SPP). Presidente do Instituto de Psicanálise.
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