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Estados adolescentes da mente no processo analítico de pacientes adultos


Adolescent states of mind in the analytical process of adult patients

The theme of the existence of an adolescent narrative during the course of an analysis arises from the author’s theoretical and clinical interest in the process of adolescence. The author notes that, at certain moments in the analysis of adults, there is a dispersion of the patient’s sense of identity, resulting in confrontation and opposition within the analytic relationship. There may even be a certain confusion regarding the roles to be played by each person, a dynamic which requires refocusing of the analyst’s posture. Reflecting on these movements, on the dynamic concept of the adolescent process and on the qualities required of the container object throughout the process, the author has thought about the hypothesis of the existence of adolescent states of mind in any analysis of adult patients, requiring from the analyst a specific clinical attitude. She operationalizes this hypothesis based on Astor and Waddell’s ideas on adolescent states of mind as a metapsychology of adolescence, and on the psychoanalytic conceptions of the adolescent process, internal objects, Winnicott’s theories, Field theory and analytic listening theory. Finally, a clinical vignette is presented for demonstration and reflection.


Adolescent states of mind, Adolescent process, Adult patients, Adolescent narrative, Listening to listening

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Author Biography

Ana Catarina Duarte Silva

Psicóloga Clínica, Psicanalista. Membro Titular da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicanálise (SPP), da Federação Europeia de Psicanálise (FEP-EFP) e da Associação Psicanalítica Internacional (IPA).


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