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Este corpo é meu ou da minha mãe? — O impacto da gravidez da analista na elaboração da relação das mulheres com o corpo


The mother’s body is the first territory over which fantasies, emotions and fears are projected, leading to the construction of certain unconscious ideas about the interior of the mother’s body, and what happens to and in her body during pregnancy. While growing up, the girl will integrate these fan- tasies in the representation of her own body. In a special event, as in the analyst’s pregnancy, all these emotions and fantasies will make their way into dreams, and into the transference-countertransfer- ence field. The author discusses the way the work- ing through of these fantasies and emotions can lead to a better and more profound understanding of the relationship female patients have with their own body. This working through will, in turn, lead to a transformation of how female patients inhabit their own bodies, and also of their unconscious body representation, allowing greater ownership of their bodies and ultimately their identity as women.


Body, Pregnancy, Indiferentiation, Archaic fantasies

PDF (Português)

Author Biography

Ana Teresa Vale

Psicóloga clínica e psicanalista. Membro associado da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicanálise (SPP) e da Associação Internacional de Psicanalistas (IPA).