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A contemporaneidade e a busca de um Pai que não existe: considerações psicanalíticas


Contemporaneity and the search for a Father who does not exist: psychoanalytic considerations

The theme of contemporary society and its relationship with Psychoanalysis has been the subject of debate for some years now, with many possibilities for dialogue. Our text intends to work on some aspects of this ongoing debate. To achieve this goal, we provide a brief overview of the concept of the Father in Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis. Following this brief journey, we will focus on the work of Massimo Recalcati and his proposal to rethink what remains of the Father in our time. If the fundamentalist proposal is somewhat recurrent in the Brazilian context, this would have to do with a desperate attempt to reclaim the lost Father, whom both Freud and Lacan already pointed out as a dead Father. Finally, we front the hypothesis that the rise of the far-right movement in Brazil can be interpreted through this hermeneutical key.


Father, Contemporaneity, Capitalism

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Author Biography

Fabiano Veliq

Doutor em Filosofia pela UFMG. Doutor em Psicologia pela PUC Minas. Professor Adjunto II do Instituto de Filosofia e Teologia da PUC Minas.


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  12. Veliq, F. (2016). Telêmaco. Hereditariedade e Testemunho. Considerações sobre a paternidade contemporânea a partir da obra de Massimo Recalcati. Em F. Belo (Ed.), Íon de Eurípedes. Interpretações psicanalíticas (vol. 1, pp. 179–192). KBR Editora.