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Identificação projetiva, função objetalizante e narratividade: 'après-coup' da psicoterapia psicanalítica de um adolescente


Projective identification, objectifying function and narrativity: 'après-coup' of psychoanalytic psychotherapy of an adolescent

Some years after the end of a psychotherapy, the author elaborates on the role of projective identification in the construction of a therapeutic relationship with an adolescent boy whose life had been marked by traumatic events. His paternal aunt — his parental guardian — sought psychological help due to his school phobia, but the immediate reason for seeking help was his recent hospitalization with acute somatization without an underlying organic cause. In a short time, already in the beginning of therapy, he starts using cannabis, and his behavior problems increase in severity.The construction of an intersubjective space during psychotherapy allowed the gradual emergence of symbolization and creative elaboration, leading to a mitigation of the deadly self-object confusion, mostly manifested as acting out, in narcissistic regression — the legacy of trauma.The objectifying process that creates objects from these transformed pulsions continues to resonate in the author’s remembrance of the psychotherapeutic process — and will be inscribed in a later work. The narrative symbolization of this encounter expanded beyond its immediate context, evoking a constellation of cultural, literary, and artistic objects, articulated with concepts from various psychoanalytic authors.


Projective identification, Objectifying function, Narrativity, Therapeutic relationship, Symbolization

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Author Biography

João Mendes Ferreira

Psicólogo clínico da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicanálise (SPP) e da International Sándor Ferenczi Network.


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